The National Mental Health Service Planning Framework: Where has it come from and what is its future?

By Admin November 2, 2020

Peer reviewed: Yes.

Authors: Whiteford, Harvey and Diminic, Sandra.

Publication: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Year: 2020


Method: Descriptive account of the background and application of the National Mental Health Service Planning Framework.

Message: Decentralised regional planning requires the application of a planning framework that sets targets for the same level of care for all Australians with equivalent needs, accounting for the specific characteristics and needs of local populations and the existing services and barriers to care. The National Mental Health Service Planning Framework will require ongoing revision in setting the national benchmarks in response to changes in the epidemiology of mental disorders and developments in service delivery, across the continuum from prevention and early intervention to services for Australians with severe and complex mental illness.

BibTeX: @article{whiteford2020national, title={The National Mental Health Service Planning Framework: Where has it come from and what is its future?}, author={Whiteford, Harvey and Diminic, Sandra}, journal={Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry}, volume={54}, number={12}, pages={1152–1153}, year={2020}, publisher={Sage Publications Sage UK: London, England} }