Federal and state cooperation necessary but not sufficient for effective regional mental health systems: insights from systems modelling and simulation

By Admin May 21, 2021

Peer reviewed: Yes

Authors: Occhipinti, Jo-An and Skinner, Adam and Carter, Samantha and Heath, Jacinta and Lawson, Kenny and McGill, Katherine and McClure, Rod and Hickie, Ian B.

Publication: Scientific Reports.

Year: 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-90762-x

Method: A system dynamics model of pathways between psychological distress, the mental health care system, suicidal behaviour and their drivers was developed, tested, and validated for a large, geographically diverse region of New South Wales; the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network.

Message: A combination of family psychoeducation, post-attempt aftercare, and safety planning, and social connectedness programs minimises the number of suicides across the Primary Health Network and in the Hunter New England Local Health District and performs well in the Central Coast Local Health District, suggesting that aligned strategic decision making between the Primary Health Network and Local Health Districts would deliver substantial impacts on suicide. Results also highlighted a marked trade-off between minimising suicide deaths versus minimising service disengagement. This is explained in part by the additional demand placed on services of intensive suicide prevention programs leading to increases in service disengagement as wait times for specialist community based mental health services and dissatisfaction with quality of care increases. Competing priorities between the Primary Health Network and Local Health Districts (each seeking to optimise the different outcomes they are responsible for) can undermine the optimal impact of investments for suicide prevention. Systems modelling provides essential regional decision analysis infrastructure to facilitate coordinated federal and state investments for optimal impacts.

BibTeX: @article{occhipinti2021federal, title={Federal and state cooperation necessary but not sufficient for effective regional mental health systems: insights from systems modelling and simulation}, author={Occhipinti, Jo-An and Skinner, Adam and Carter, Samantha and Heath, Jacinta and Lawson, Kenny and McGill, Katherine and McClure, Rod and Hickie, Ian B}, journal={Scientific reports}, volume={11}, number={1}, pages={1–12}, year={2021}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group} }