Mental health systems modelling for evidence-informed service reform in Australia

By Admin May 14, 2023

Peer reviewed: Yes.

Authors: Whiteford, Harvey and Bagheri, Nasser and Diminic, Sandra and Enticott, Joanne and Gao, Caroline X and Hamilton, Matthew and Hickie, Ian and Le, Long K and Lee, Yong Y and Long, Katrina M and McGorry, Patrick and Meadows, Graham and Mihalopoulos, Cathrine and Occhipinti, Jo-An and Rock, Daniel and Rosenberg, Sebastian and Salvador-Carulla, Luis and Skinner, Adam.

Publication: PsyArXiv

Year: 2023


Method: Descriptive overview of the role of modelling in mental health policy and system design, explanation of concepts useful for understanding mental health modelling and overview of how ta new network of modellers and planners hopes to support the development of better and more useful mental health systems models.

Message: Modelling can help decision-makers understand likely future changes in mental health service demand and more intelligently choose appropriate responses. It can also support greater scrutiny, accountability and transparency of these processes. Australia has an emerging national capacity for system modelling in mental health which can enhance the next phase of mental health reform.

BibTeX: @misc{whiteford_bagheri_diminic_enticott_gao_hamilton_hickie_le_lee_long_et al._2022, title={Mental health systems modelling for evidence-informed service reform in Australia}, url={}, DOI={10.1177/00048674231172113}, journal={Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry}, publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}, author={Whiteford, Harvey and Bagheri, Nasser and Diminic, Sandra and Enticott, Joanne and Gao, Caroline X and Hamilton, Matthew and Hickie, Ian and Le, Long K and Lee, Yong Y and Long, Katrina M and et al.}, year={2023}, month={May} }